If you want to teach your child yourself, at home or on the road, you will find the tools you need here to make your life easier.
In your account, you will find a calendar that you can fill with the curriculum for each subject and cycle. You will also find a template for the timetable and the annual plan. You can also export your planning to use it for the assessment. With this dossier, you can present it to the school administration at the end of the school year.
Write to us if you need help. We'll be happy to help you navigate the bureaucratic jungle.
What about compulsory education in Switzerland
Compulsory education
In allen Kantonen regelt die Schulgesetzgebung den Besuch von Privatunterricht während der Dauer der obligatorischen Schulzeit. In der Regel ist der Privatunterricht bewilligungspflichtig und untersteht der staatlichen Aufsicht.
You can find out what the requirements are under your canton of residence.
Every learner who wants to graduate in Switzerland must follow the official curriculum of the canton of residence.
If your child wants to study and graduate freely, as with homeschooling, a close relationship should be maintained with the authorities of the canton of residence, but also with a liaison teacher:in. They will also be able to administer the final exams.
Good to know:
Depending on the cantonal school legislation, homeschooling children can claim services from the school services including the necessary clarifications, e.g. school health services, speech therapy.
Important to note if you need or want to hire a teacher:
Obtain a criminal record extract for the future teacher, as well as reference extracts (a current private extract or special private extract). The special private extract provides information on whether the candidate is authorised to work with minors or particularly vulnerable persons. It is also recommended to have a declaration signed stating that there are no ongoing proceedings in the last six months or misdemeanours that could lead to proceedings.
Here you can find the guidelines for your canton
To the subjects and inspirations

Nature, Man, Society
“The axe forgets but the tree remembers.” - African proverb

"Reden über Angelegenheiten, die durch Reden nicht entschieden werden können, muß man sich abgewöhnen." - Bertolt Brecht

"The book of nature is written in the language of mathematics." - Galileo Galilei

"The artwork is an imaginary island surrounded by reality." - José Ortega Y Gasset
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